The Secret Weapon for Attracting Dream Clients
It’s one you’ve already got, you’re just not using it correctly…
There’s a question a lot of content gurus like to ask on LinkedIn, “Would you stop to read your content?” And, if the answer is no, then that is the test for whether or not you should post it.
I have a few issues with this philosophy, the main one being that you’re not writing content on LinkedIn for you, you’re writing it for your prospects. Yes, I understand the point of asking this question is basically determining if the copy you’ve written or the asset you’ve used is engaging, but overall, I don’t believe it’s helpful advice - not when the aim of your content is to win clients.
So, what is the secret weapon you’ve been unknowingly harbouring that is going to attract your dream clients?
It is your content, but your content crafted in a very specific way that goes beyond just being “engaging.”
5 Ways to Craft Client Winning Content
Be irresistible: This is the first step to putting yourself in your prospect's shoes and writing content that speaks directly to them. Address their pain points, outline their wants and needs, share the drive to achieve their goals. Prove to your prospects that you have their best interests at the heart of your solution, pull on their emotional strings by showing you understand the crushing disappointment of not being able to achieve their goals.
Be genuine: Even as you’re pulling on their professional heartstrings, don’t lose sight of why LinkedIn has become the number one place to sell services. People buy from people, more importantly, people that they trust. There are a lot of users on LinkedIn, many of whom might provide a similar solution to yours, but never the exact same. Differentiate what you have to offer by infusing your content with your unique value and personality.
Be actionable: Providing actionable advice is how you’re going to stop your posts from being launched into the LinkedIn void. Despite the millions of users on the platform, sometimes it can feel like talking to a vast empty room. I promise you that your prospects are there, they just might be lurking on your posts rather than engaging. Offering tips or tricks that they can use will compel them to provide feedback and allow you to start a conversation with people already interested in what you have to offer.
Be knowledgeable: People don’t know what they don’t know, this includes not knowing the pains they are suffering because they haven’t utilised your solution yet. Clearly demonstrating and using real-life examples of this in your content will help them realise. And, once they’ve realised, they will go to the person who helped them discover this pain for the solution.
Be impactful: In some ways, it all comes down to this. Whatever type of content you are posting, whether it’s to attract potential prospects, nurture the ones already in your network, or convert them to a sale, make sure that you are posting with purpose. Before you even sit down to write the post, make sure you understand what you want the outcome of it to be.
Want to learn how to put these content ideas into action? Gain access to ContentLab 2.0 to learn the strategy, structure and creation tactics to post compelling content without losing all your time.