Stop letting these LinkedIn myths affect lead generation
The LinkedIn myths holding you back and how to beat them
It doesn’t take much for a myth to circulate, especially on social media. When it comes to LinkedIn, these myths are preventing you from generating leads and utilising the platform to its full potential.
So, why don’t we just get right into the three most common LinkedIn myths, why they aren’t true and how you can overcome them…
Myth 1: C-level don’t post
Probably one of the most common myths on LinkedIn is that it’s only used by salespeople and recruiters. It’s an understandable myth considering that the posts you see when scrolling through the platform will often be from salespeople or recruiters. However, this doesn’t mean these two groups are the most active.
While C-level decision-makers might not be the most prolific posters, they are one of the most active groups on LinkedIn. They will log on, consume content, and maybe even leave a like or two. C-level users are known as LinkedIn lurkers - prospects that might not post regularly (or at all) but they frequently engage with content and scroll through their feed.
How to beat this myth: Dig a little deeper into C-level users’ profiles to find the content they have been engaging with, check for career milestones, look for common connections - anything that will break the ice and start an organic conversation.
Myth 2: Prospects are not active on social media
While I sort of already covered this by debunking our first myth, the belief that your prospects don’t post is shared by everyone - even if you’re not targeting C-level leadership. So, as we have already covered, just because your prospects aren’t posting doesn’t mean they aren’t active on social media.
There will always be an engagement trail to follow. It might be worth considering if you’re being too specific with who you're targeting and perhaps missing your real prospects entirely. Or, maybe you’ve made this assumption without doing any research at all.
How to beat this myth: The simplest way to find your prospects is to begin with a search. On LinkedIn, the criteria with which you can search changes depending on the type of account you have (Free, Premium, Sales Navigator, etc.) but even the free search offers a lot of choices.
Myth 3: There’s not enough time to spend online
It indeed takes time to generate leads but this isn’t accomplished by spending hours every day on LinkedIn. Instead, it’s about setting things up to run in the background while you get on with your day-to-day tasks. Even just 30 minutes a day (or less) is all that’s needed to generate and nurture leads on LinkedIn.
How to beat this myth: When it comes to writing your posts, keep your points clear and concise, and use short sentences. Top tip: 180 words takes approx. 60 seconds to read, and people are more likely to only spend about 45-60 seconds reading a post anyway.
Utilise the rest of your time after posting by engaging with other people’s content. This is not engagement for the sake of it, make sure to leave valuable comments on relevant posts that will increase the exposure of your profile even when you are not actively on the platform.
Leave a comment with a LinkedIn myth that’s preventing you from fully utilising the platform. Let’s debunk it so that you can get on with generating more leads and closing sales in less time.